Travel Guidelines and Expectations
FutsalRVA recognizes the value and special significance in participating in tournaments outside of our immediate area. There are many benefits to this type of travel including:
Gaining experience in playing higher level of competition.
Playing in a high pressure atmosphere.
Building team camaraderie.
Seeing and playing against different styles of play.
Participating in a professional Futsal environment.
Showcase our Teams and Players to the outside Futsal community.
In order to present ourselves in the best possible light as players, teams and as FutsalRVA, we have adopted some guidelines that all players and teams should follow.
Pre-Trip Activities
It is highly suggested that players stay in the same hotel. Where there are multiple teams playing in the same event, it is also highly suggested that the teams try and stay in the same hotel.
The coach should outline the minimum requirement needed for transportation and lodging keeping in mind that cost is an integral factor in the decision making process.
Team Behavior Rules
Coach, players, and parents should review and agree on general travel behavior requirements and consequences if violations are committed.
At the coach’s discretion, players may be sent home at parent’s additional expense if they violate serious behavior rules related but not limited to: drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, tobacco products or having members of the opposite sex in their rooms at any time.
Player Responsibilities
Because of the importance of tournament play to the development of a team, all FutsalRVA players are expected to participate in every event unless injured.
The Club insists on making player safety the top priority when players are traveling.
Players are to act like young ladies and gentlemen at all times in any public places.
Hotel rooms must be kept neat and organized.
We are guests of the hotel. Footware and proper attire should be worn in the public areas of the hotel.
Players are to be punctual and strictly follow all curfews.
Any problems must be communicated to the Coach immediately.
Team Activities
Parents and players should remember that team activities take priority over any personal agendas you may have.
Futsal trips are not vacations. Obviously having fun is a part of all trips but we must remember that Futsal must remain the top priority at all time.
Travel Dress
Players should wear a standard outfit such as team polo shirt, warm up top or some other appropriate team attire at any team activity such as flights and opening ceremonies.
As we are a Futsal club, baseball hats and caps should be left at home!!!
Guest Players
Guest players are invited to play at the discretion of the Team Coach.
They will be expected to pay their share of team expenses unless other arrangements have been directed by the Team Coach.
If more than one FutsalRVA team is going to a particular event, it is desirable that teams try to arrange to stay at the same hotel to promote camaraderie amongst teams.
Hotels that include continental or full breakfasts are preferred.
If players are sharing rooms, and someone leaves early, they are still responsible for their share of the total cost of the room.
Team meetings should be in a common area of the hotel.
Teams should strive to eat together at team meals if possible.
Obviously, all players should be strictly following their own team’s prescribed nutrition and hydration policies.
It is recommended the team purchase healthy snack type foods and drink for in between meal eating and the cost will be shared equally.