a. Respect coaches, officials, staff, parents, teammates, and opponents at all times

b. Be gracious in both victory and defeat

c. Conduct myself with integrity, kindness and personal responsibility through my words and actions


a. Prioritize training sessions and games 

b. Be a student of the game, obey laws of the game, and work hard to improve skill and futsal IQ

c. Practice individual futsal skills on my own throughout the week


a. Treat EVERYONE with dignity and kindness

b. Help to inspire, encourage, and support your teammates

c. Know that bullying of any kind (conduct, gestures and comments that are insulting, intimidating, discriminatory, racist, homophobic, degrading or otherwise offensive) is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at any practice, game or other FutsalRVA sanctioned event or program

As a player, I understand:

  • I am encouraged to approach my coach or any trusted FutsalRVA staff member with any concerns or issues related to my experience in the program.

  • The amount of playing time I receive in games will be based on my game performance, attendance and determination in practice, punctuality, and attitude. I know that I may receive more or less playing time than my teammates and playing time and position is not guaranteed.

  • I must respect all officials and coaches in their decisions.

  • That my health is top priority so I must immediately report any injury to my coach.

  • It is my responsibility to notify my coach or team manager if I will be late or unable to attend a game, training session, or team meeting.

  • I must be the BEST that I can be at all times; for myself, my team, my club and my family.

I will never:

  • Engage in any bullying, harassment, or intimidation by means of any gesture, any written, verbal, or physical act, or any electronic communication which creates an unsafe and unwelcoming environment, or which negatively affects a player or player’s performance, or otherwise causes distress.  

  • Engage in dissent toward an official or coach nor use profane or vulgar language.

  • Leave a game field or training session without the permission of my coach.

  • Use a controlled substance (drugs), tobacco products, or drink alcoholic beverages. 

  • Forget that I represent FutsalRVA!!!!